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Week 59
14th - 20th March 2005

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Let's escape from Sydney and go to Melbourne!

Me and Kat, the little  Glaswegian, head off in Mustie the Kombi on  gentle 4 day drive headed for Melbourne...  taking in some of the sights along the way...

The 10am leave didn't quite happen...  We leave Kat's apartment in Sydney at almost midday!

The drive out the south of Sydney was as grim as the drive out thru Parramatta, taking bloody ages...  But we finally escaped the suburbs and hit the Royal National Park, south of Sydney, and zoomed down the Princes Highway with nothing but forest one either side :-)

Then we came upon a sign saying "Sublime Point Lookout" and decided to check it out, for no other reason than it was just there... 

We hadn't realised the highway had been climbing up so high, and this view was bloody amazing!

A couple of skinks sunbathing on the rocks by the railings

We were 415m above sea level!

We then headed down to Kiama, famous for the blow-hole!!!

Kiama's lighthouse...

And here's Kiama's blowhole...  As you can see, it shoots water up to 60m!!! if you use your imagination... because today the sea is as flat as a pancake and there are no water spouts what-so-ever... Bugger!  :-(

The funnel inlet to the blowhole

Apparently the waves have nabbed a few people here...

Mustie heads for the Great Dividing Range... again!  How many times have we been over that!

Me and Kat (the Glaswegian of course) randomly come across a tiny village that has a Scottish shop in it!  2 big bottle of IRN BRU please!!!

Heading down the Hume Highway, we saw the signs for the Big Marino... They weren't kidding either!!!

Driving into the sunset...

Out tea tonight is Veggie Red & Green curry! Mmmm...

Out strange powered site in the Gundagai Tourist Park

Gundagai's old wooden trestle bridges

We stopped in Tumut and went to the Tourist Information place to stock up on maps etc... Then headed along the Snowy Mountains Highway up in to the Snowys!!!

Looks hilly ahead!

We decided to check out the first of the dams we came to in the Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme...  Blowering Dam
Home of the world water speed record... Oooh!

Wow, I'd love to go down here in a tube when it's flowing!!!

Nice and calm today

The bumpy slide slipway from the bottom

Only one of the turbines was working in the power station at the foot of the dam.

It just doesn't seem right to have signs like these in Australia... especially on a day like today where it's probably 35°C !!!!

Spot the posts along the sides of the road... perhaps they're expecting show?

Wow, a sub-station!

I think I read somewhere that there was a fire thru here at some point... hence the dead forests...

Looks lovely, a huge reservoir with a nice little island in the middle by the dam wall...

Came out a bit banana like...

Looking up from the foot of the dam wall

My shadow

When I climbed up the fencing onto the gantry where the sluice gate lifting gear was, to get the shot bellow, I accidentally put my hand on this little fella!  Poor thing, I almost squashed him!!!  He's easily bigger than the palm of my hand!  Hope he's ok...

360° view of Tumut Pond Reservoir...  Note the cool little island in the middle of the lake... 

Quite a brutal slipway on this dam, wouldn't wanna go off here!  But it would be cool to see them letting a full dam go!

The dog in the Cat In The Hat hat...

Arthur Dog

This was a truly random town with a very weird local shop with not much in the bloody great place...  Just odd...

Shitty weather over the hill

We turned a corner and the blue sky disappeared... the wind got up quite a bit, all the leafs were falling a swirling around and twigs and branches were falling on the road...  it was like autumn had started that minute!  Spooky

We drove thru a town called Bega... isn't that where the cheese comes from???  Yup!  So we went and made the most of the free cheese tasting... Mmmm...

A pair of crows

Microwave dishes everywhere!  Even hiding in the trees!

...And then we reached Melbourne!!!


That night we caught up with Braines, our mate from Xmas a the Pink House and we headed out down to the other side of town to catch a band playing (The Presets) that his mate back home wanted to sign to his label or something... A bit of a random night!!!  The venue was upstairs above a shop and was done out like a 70s living room... cool!!!

Spencer Street Station

Cow up a tree...   !!!

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